Codeine phosphate hemihydrate
CAS Number:41444-62-6
Codeine is an alkaloid obtained from opium or prepared from morphine by
methylation and occurs as white crystals. Codeine effloresces slowly in dry
air and is effected by light. The chemical name of codeine phosphate is
phosphate (1:1)(salt) hemihydrate and has the empirical formula of
C18H21NO3·H3PO4·1/2H20. Its molecular weight is 406.4.
Each soluble tablet contains 30 mg (0.074 mmol) or 60 mg (0.15 mmol) of
codeine phosphate. These tablets also contain lactose and sucrose.
Soluble tablets of codeine phosphate are freely soluble in water. They are
intended for the preparation of solutions for parenteral administration.
These tablets are not sterile. Codeine phosphate is an analgesic.
Inhibits synthesis of prostaglandins; binds to opiate receptors in CNS and
peripherally blocks pain impulse generation; produces antipyresis by direct
action on hypothalamic heat-regulating center; causes cough suppression by
direct central action in medulla; may produce generalized CNS depression;
does not have significant anti-inflammatory or antiplatelet effects.
Relief of mild to moderate pain; analgesic-antipyretic therapy in presence
of aspirin allergy, hemostatic disturbances, bleeding diatheses, upper GI
disease and gouty arthritis.