Codeine phosphate hemihydrate
CAS Number:41444-62-6
The most frequent adverse reactions include lightheadedness, dizziness,
sedation, nausea, and vomiting. These effects seem to be more prominent in
ambulatory than in non ambulatory patients, and some of these adverse
reactions may be alleviated if the patient lies down.
Other adverse reactions include euphoria, dysphoria, constipation, and
Drug Abuse and Dependence
Controlled Substance: Codeine phosphate is a Schedule II narcotic.
Although much less potent in this regard than morphine, codeine can produce
drug dependence a.d. therefore, has the potential for being abused. Patients
given 60 mg codeine every 6 hours for 2 months usually show some tolerance
and mild withdrawal symptoms. Development of the dependent state is
recognized by an increased tolerance to the analgesic effect and the
appearance of purposive phenomena (complaints, pleas, demands, or
manipulative actions) shortly before the time of the next scheduled dose. A
patient in withdrawal should be treated in a hospital environment. Usually,
it is necessary only to provide supportive care with administration of a
tranquilizer to suppress anxiety. Severe symptoms of withdrawal may require
administration of a replacement narcotic.